Passion for Excellence
Scientific Interest
Dr. Gustav Weder's research focuses on three key areas:
Organizational Leadership Development – Leading an Organization
How can organizations ensure high-quality, sustainable leadership, align leaders with strategy, develop them effectively, and leverage leadership quality for a competitive edge? During his time as a management consultant, he contributed to the discussion with publications such as:
Article Neue Züricher Zeitung, special supplement leadership (German:) "Was tun, wenn Kennzahlen weh tun?", 28. November 2003
Individual Leadership Development – Leading Self & Others
How can individuals achieve and sustain expertise in their field? How can teams implement shared goals efficiently and sustainably? His insights on these questions were shared in:
Article Swiss Employer (German):
"Führungsmannschaften sind die Basis für den nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg", 1. April 2003
Optimal Action – High-Speed Environments
How can individuals perform optimally under sustained high-speed conditions? His doctoral research explored this question through qualitative interviews with experts in sports and aviation. The findings highlight how increased speed reduces decision-making time, intensifies human-environment interaction, and heightens psychological regulation demands.
His dissertation, "Optimal Action – Using the Example of High Speed", combines practical insights from sports and aviation with theoretical models from multiple disciplines. The study also encourages readers to apply its findings to high-pressure scenarios in business and society. The thesis is published by GRIN Verlag in English and German.
Additionally, select expert interviews from his research were featured in the Journal of Excellence, University of Ottawa.